by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Skill, Time Management
Over the past few days we’ve taken a look at how we spend our time, what we spend it on and what may be sucking time away from us. In other words, we started to be more intentional on how we spend our time and what we spend it on. That leaves quite a few hours each...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Manifest Excellence, Skill
Delegating effectively is a sure fire way to accomplish more and help people feel like they’re a vital part of any effort. Use these tips for getting prepared to entrust others with responsibilities, communicating clearly, and following up to keep projects on...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Skill
It’s hard to think of a challenging area of your life that didn’t become challenging due to poor decision-making. Wiser decisions lead to a more successful and lower-stress life. When you make effective decisions, your life is more enjoyable and satisfying. Master the...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Skill
Stress at workplace is one of the biggest challenges today in youth. People are unable to cope up with daily activities, pressing deadlines, and cut throat competition. Which has increased the stress at workplace manifolds. There are many ways to manage stress....
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Skill
Change can be a scary thing. When you make a change in your life, you bring yourself into the unknown. You travel from a safe place to one where you don’t know exactly what will happen. The truth is, there is nothing you can do to stop change. This world is...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Skill
You know thinking positive is good for you, In fact all your activities in your life should be filled a lot of positive thoughts , but it may be difficult to put that belief into action. Can you develop a sunny outlook when your bank account is almost empty or your...