by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Manifest Excellence
4 Simple Steps to Having a Great Day It’s very easy to get caught up in the negativity of people around you, but if you can implement these four little steps, you’ll find yourself having a great day that will rub off on those around you. Try these...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | The Law of Attraction
Life is nothing but an expression of what our mind thinks. And this is what is taught by the Law of Attraction as well. Mind is the most under utilized instrument but powerful tool given to mankind. It became the buzzword only after the book The Secret landed in this...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Meditation
What is Meditation: Meditation is a state of mind where your are in deep sleep , composed and calm. In this state all your thoughts are controlled and monitored by you. You concentrate and allow only soothing thoughts to enter your mind. Some times we also meditate...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | The Law of Attraction
Wе have аll heard оf thе current ‘laws оf attraction’ wave, being the buzzword sweeping асrоѕѕ thе world аnd thе uѕе оf new age philosophical phrases finding its origin from the Indian Scriptures on Cosmic Mind and the Laws of Cosmos associated with it....