What is Meditation: 
Meditation is a state of mind where your are in deep sleep , composed and calm. In this state all your thoughts are controlled and monitored by you. You concentrate and allow only soothing thoughts to enter your mind. Some times we also meditate to contemplate on something, so thought or situation, as it helps us to understand different perspectives providing us a clear vision of mind resulting into better decision making.
Meditation also helps in increasing the awareness and by practice it eventually helps in manifesting excellence in any domain. To summarise we have following objectives when we meditate:-
- To train our mind to be composed under all circumstances.
- To increase concentration.
- To understand cosmos and its laws by contemplation.
- To understand Life. Yes you heard it right..to unlock the secret mysteries of life.
- To increase our vibrations by raising the consciousness level. This increases our awareness.
- To purify our mind by thought culture i.e. monitoring of thoughts – good thoughts and bad thoughts.
- To get rid of negativity by monitoring our emotions during meditation.
- To strengthen our pshycophysical energy system by meditating on our chakras.
- To attract our goals and dreams by visualisation.
- To analyse a situation – our failure or success anything to improve or leverage.
This list is end less and we can keep counting all the benefits. The point is that if we are not doing meditation daily we are not only missing out the best of our lives, we are actually forcing us to live a mediocre life. Successful people knowingly or unknowingly do meditation to plan, organise and excel in their life.
3 Techniques on How to Meditate Properly:-
Here are three simple strategies on how to do meditation that can help you get the most from your meditation if you are a beginner:
Opt for a Best Time and Place and Stick to the schedule:-
First and the foremost thing to do on priority before taking it to meditation is to identify a time of the day and a place where you can find it easiest to enjoy your meditation. The time and place should be identified in such a way that you should deb able to stick to it regularly . The power of meditation can be best leveraged if consistent practice of same is done at the same time and place regularly.
It is better to opt for early mornings or evenings for the practice of meditation. It is the time when our mind is most receptive and concentration can be achieved quickly and results are faster.
The place can be a room for worship in your house. It can be outdoor also near the places close to nature – like a river, Mountain, Garden. But best place if always the one where you get silence, even if it is a corner of your bedroom.
Purify and prepare your Mind for Meditation:-
You should try to clear your mind and get rid of all the negative emotions even if possible only temporary. Its like switching from your work mode to calm & meditative mode. Its important that you focus on your awareness levels and attention during meditation. The level of awareness during meditation will be the index of your concentration and success.
Identify the Object of Meditation:-
Different people choose different objects for meditation purpose. Sometimes just concentrating on thoughts is a form of meditation. We have seven chakras in our body which are also our energy centres. Meditating on these chakras is also another form of meditation. These chakras help us in unfolding our hidden powers which are supposed to be infinite as per Indian vedic scriptures.
It is said that our mind acquired the properties of the object on which it meditates. Sometimes people choose any external entity of also as their object of meditation which can be a saintly object for acquiring saintly qualities, or it can be elements of nature like Ocean for acquiring its vastness, earth for acquiring its patience as so on.
It’s not hard to meditate. While it’s more difficult when you first get started, over time it becomes easier and easier to reach your goal of finding peace and relaxation. Remember these techniques, and you’ll find meditation to be a very pleasurable experience.