by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Goals
When we start to make a difference and live a purpose driven life, something amazing happens. We become happier and more fulfilled. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. It doesn’t have to be anything big like going on a year-long mission trip or setting out to cure the...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Workplace
Work relationships can be much more fragile than other types of relationships. The workplace can be a constant battle of egos, jockeying for position, and the desire to advance. Small slights that might be ignored in other settings can ruffle someone’s feathers at...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Workplace
The topic of this post might be sounding funny, but it happens in offices that due to office politics, wrong expectations, and even assumptions, this comes to people as a surprise when their colleague advances faster than them, The promotion or a pay increase that...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Skill
You know thinking positive is good for you, In fact all your activities in your life should be filled a lot of positive thoughts , but it may be difficult to put that belief into action. Can you develop a sunny outlook when your bank account is almost empty or your...
by Rajneesh Chaturvedi | Skill
We all want more self-confidence. It is Self-confidence can mean the difference between enjoying life and being afraid. Not all of the factors that contribute to self-confidence are under your direct control. But enough of them are to make a huge difference. You can...