Rajneesh Chaturvedi
Life CoachHelping you channel your full potential
Hi, I’m Rajneesh! I am on a mission to contribute my part to the Cosmos to make a change and tranform. Lets get connected!!!
My Story
With all my experience with Life and its challenges, I learnt two very important principals. First, whatever happens, we need to take 100% responsibility of same. As it is us and only us who can change the status quo of our Life and no one else. Its not the events/incidents/triggers happening in the external world that decides the trajectory of our Life, but its our own responses to those triggers that make our experience pleasant or painful about it.
Second principal is that the the world that we create inside our own Mind, is the world that manifests outside also for us. Our internal representation of our own selves, our Life, our capabilities everything decides the level and quality of Life we can actually Live.
My Values & Beliefs
Taking 100% responsibility of Life
Irrespective of the Life Situations, the control is always in our hands and we should take 100% responsibility of our Life.
Our Beliefs Manifest our World
Our thoughts, our beliefs have the power to manifest in reality. We want to be positive always aiming to make all our dreams come true.
We are living in an interconnected World
It is an illusion to think that we are isolated from one another. We are living in an interconnected world at consciousness level. The only way we can grow is by contributing to the world and making a change at holistic Level.
My Approach
I believe that there is something truly uplifting about helping people in recognizing their true potential and making a change. In short, I’m here to help you discover your fire and become the best version of yourself by giving you with the most important Success Principals to work on, so that you can not only get rid of your past painful memories, negative beliefs but also move forward from the status quo and transform and excel in all domains of your Life.