Dealing with negative people It is said what ever your mind thinks, and dwell on , it becomes like that. It is therefore recommended that our mind should always be filled with positive thoughts and our dreams should always be there at the core of our heart ready to materialise.

But many times it happens that we face lot of negativity around us and came across difficult people who set us off giving us a bad day. We need to fight such negativity and good news is that it can be done with some conscious efforts.

No matter what our temperament is, how composed we are, we all came in contact with these difficult people from time to time and at those times we tend to fight back, defend ourselves , and react to their negativity with some of our own. But at such instances we forgot that we are not animals and unlike them we have choice of taking decisions and definitely have ability to control our responses .

When we counter anger with anger then we are merely degrading ourselves to the same level.

Understand Negativity :-

To fight negativity we need to understand the main cause of it. There is always a cause of any kind of effect around t he world. When people act negatively, its a reflection of what going on inside them.

Remember our external manifestation of emotions is a result of our inner state of mind.

The cause of such a state of mind can be a simple bad day even for us. But we should think are we so weak mentally that a smoke bad day can effect our inner state of mind. Anyways..

There can be another reason of negativity around us is that people who are bored and unhappy with their lives will also seek out to boost their ego.

Our ego in turn then responds by fighting back, thinking if we do not respond and retaliate, we are indirectly accepting our fault, Which is actually not true.

As a result of which we find ourselves engaged in a conflict that hurts us emotionally, mentally, and maybe even physically.

4 Steps to deal with negative people:-

Here are some ways to deal with these difficult people. Initially they will sound simple but later you will realise a lot of patience and conscious efforts are required to implement these steps. But once you master these steps, you will have actually your total life in full control.

Do not react immediately:-

On every confrontation it is general tendancy of human to react immediately andBeing Reactive retaliate. However we forgot that by reacting immediately we are actually contributing in overall negativity where as we should be trying hard to  avoid the situating without admitting to the person or rejecting him outrightly. Sometimes the other person is simply venting out his emotions and we did not even realise it. 90% percent of the times if we do research we will find that absolutely nonresponse is required from our side theses situations.

Stop quoting others:-

This happens specially in office where you try to out things quoting the incidents and events, but you are simply spreading the negativity like wild fire . The longer you dwell on the situation and talk about it with others, the more negative and angry you will become.

Be Expressive at least to yourself:_-

This works most of the times. If you frequently have the habit of avoiding things and generally you do not speak up your emotions with others, Time has to come to vent out all your emotions and thus negativity by expressing your feelings at least to yourself. Vent all your thought and feelings and hurt onto a piece of paper and then crumple up the paper and throw it away.

Understanding different Perspective:-

Sometimes a situation has different perspectives . Therefore before getting judgemental over a situation, try analysing it with other peoples perspective as well. You will be easily abel to do it you have calm your mind by meditation and yoga. A composed mind can think about a situation with a 360 degree viewpoint.

Negative people are everywhere. Don’t let them take your happiness away or affect your mood. Teach these difficult people by leading a good example, by responding calmly, and by showing kindness. As a result, you’ll bring more happiness to others and find that you feel a greater happiness yourself.